Monday, October 27, 2008

Flu Shots

Last week I was reading Parents magazine, Power of parents story. It was about a man, Joe Lastinger, who lost his 3 year old daughter Emily from complications of the flu in 2004. It went on to say he was devastated tolearn her illness could have been prevented if she had gotten the flu vaccine. He contacted the Center for Disease Control (CDC) who put him in contact with the Kanowitz family who lost their 4 year old daughter Amanda to flu complications as well. The families involved in the Amanda Kanowitz Foundation formed Families Fighting Flu (FFF). Its a non-profit organization that educates parents on the importance of vaccinating children at every age. The first Children's Flu Vaccination Day was established last November and the FFF launched a number of yearly campaigns as well, partnering with Clorox and the Visiting Nurse Associations of America. Together they toured the country vaccinating more than 3,600 children and families. They visit my pediatricians office in November and for the first time both of my children will be vaccinated!


Now that Jim and I are working on number 3, Ive learned to be more thrifty with the kids. Well I try anyway..
So We've been buying diapers from Sams Club and I didnt know if that was the cheaper place or not. I apply to everywhere for Huggies coupons but it doesnt seem to do much. I saw a add for and was wondering if anyone had tried it?

"Vaccines Demystified"

I found this in BabyTalk Magazine and its interesting. I know that Im concerned about side effects from shots all of the time with my kids. My 7 year old son, Jimmy, had a allergic reaction to the Polio Vaccine when he was a baby and we ended up in Childrens Hopsital over night. So the author to the book "What to Expect When Expecting" Heidi Murkoff has a free immunization guide and you can download it at BabyTalk quotes "She also covers combo shots and side effects, and offers pain-relief tips, like this gem: Babies who are held while getting stuck cry less. "